我院周鹏教授荣获2021年度纳米研究青年科学家奖(NR45 Young Innovators Award)
发表时间:2021-04-19 阅读次数:187
★ NR45 Young Innovators Award ★
近日,国际知名期刊Nano Research公布了2021年二维材料纳米研究青年科学家奖(NR45 Young Innovators Award)的获奖名单,本次全球共35位年龄不超过45周岁的青年学者入选。微电子学院周鹏教授获得该荣誉。
Peng Zhou is a full professor at the State Key Laboratory of ASIC and system, School of Microelectronics, Fudan University, China. He received his B.S. (2000) and Ph.D. (2005) degrees in Physics from Fudan University, China. He has invented a new type Flash memory technology with both high speed and non-volatile, and realized high-area-efficiency single-transistor logic in-situ memory technology, and obtained high- performance storage devices, high-efficiency algorithms and chips. Currently, he is interested in novel high-efficiency and low-power electronic devices based on layered materials, focusing on the application in memory, synaptic electronics, and neuromorphic systems. He has published more than 200 scientific papers on Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Electronics, and Nano Research etc.
为表彰献身科学事业、潜心钻研学术、长期从事纳米科学和纳米技术前沿领域研究并做出杰出贡献的优秀青年科学家,《纳米研究》编辑部设立了年度纳米研究青年科学家奖(NR45 Young Innovators Award)。此奖项候选人由《纳米研究》编委会中一线科学家推荐、由奖项委员会严格评选,最终获奖人为有望实现重大科研突破、在该领域具有潜力做出巨大贡献、现已取得杰出成就的青年科学家。NR45奖每年按照科研领域授予最多45位年龄不超过45岁的优秀青年科研人员。

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