讲座信息:Physics-based compact modeling of charge transport in nanoscale electronic devices
发表时间:2016-03-14 阅读次数:318

Physics-based compact modeling of charge transport in nanoscale electronic devices


报告人:Prof. Dimitri A. Antoniadis (MIT)
时 间:3月21日10:00-11:00
地 点:复旦大学微电子学楼B213室


Physics-based compact models of transistors play two complementary roles. First, they establish an analytical mathematical description of the device, which helps interpret measurements or detailed simulations and make predictions; second, they form the basis of models used in circuit simulators. Historically, as Si MOSFETs matured, the value of compact models in understanding devices, which was preeminent fifty years ago when such models were first developed, diminished and “compact models” became synonymous with circuit simulation models with the emphasis shifting to the faithful reproduction of fitted data, often at the expense of the solid physics underpinnings of at least some of the model equations and parameters. More recently, as silicon MOSFETs started approaching quasi-ballistic (QB) operation and new channel materials have emerged, interest has shifted back to physics-based models for exploring the limits of nanoscale FET performance. In this presentation I will introduce the so-called MIT Virtual Source (MVS) model for FETs which captures rigorously the physics of modern and future QB devices. I will use it to demonstrate the analysis and understanding of subtle physics that influence electron mobility and velocity in Si and InGaAs MOSFETs operating in the near-ballistic regime.


Dimitri A. Antoniadis, a native of Greece, received his B.S. in Physics from the National University of Athens in 1970, and his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering in 1976 from Stanford University. He joined MIT in 1978 where he is Ray and Maria Stata Professor of Electrical Engineering. In the late 70’s, he made seminal contributions to the understanding of point defect mechanisms in atomic diffusion in silicon. Then, in the early 80’s he pioneered experimental field-effect nanostructures that became the basis of many investigations of quantum effects in electron transport in nano-scale silicon and III-V field-effect devices. By the mid ‘80’s this work resulted in some of the first sub-100-nm Si MOSFETs and in the first demonstration of source to channel electron injection velocities exceeding the saturation velocity. This early work along with his subsequent experimental studies of highly non-uniform channel doping and SOI transistors in the 90’s have contributed to the groundwork for today’s high performance silicon MOSFETs. In the last decade his research is in the area of technology and modeling high-carrier-mobility/high-carrier velocity nanoscale MOSFETs and in band-to-band-tunneling based FETs in Si, Ge, and III-V materials. Dr. Antoniadis is a Life Fellow of the IEEE, a member of the US National Academy of Engineering and recipient of several professional awards including 2002 IEEE Andrew S. Grove Award and the 2015 IEEE Jun-Ichi Nishizawa Medal “for contributions to metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor physics, technology, and modeling.”


Contact Information: 周鹏 教授(pengzhou@fudan.edu.cn)

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