网上新知 | 复旦大学微电子学院云上专家讲座
FPGA Technology Mapping for LUTs, LUT Structures, and Programmable Cells
讲座信息:一条注定被打破的定律 - the law made to be broken
讲座信息:Physics-based compact modeling of charge transport in nanoscale electronic devices
学术报告:Novel memory based on ion and/or electron transport in oxide films
讲座信息:The Development of Neural Prosthetic SoC for Closed-Loop Epileptic Seizure Control and its Preliminary Chronic Tests on Rats
讲座信息:Assertions for hardware
讲座信息:Development of 3D Integrated Circuits: A Materials and Reliability Perspective
讲座信息:Humanistic Intelligence System
学术报告:Band Gap-Engineering Based Single Semiconductor Nanostructures: From 1D to 2D systems
学术报告:Synthesis and Applications of Novel Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials