讲座信息:一条注定被打破的定律 - the law made to be broken
发表时间:2016-03-29 阅读次数:334


报告人:胡川 博士
时 间:2016年3月31日周四,上午9:30-11:30
地 点:邯郸校区微电子楼B213会议室


The significance of Moore's law is beyond Intel's business success and technology triumph. It has very deep impact on humanity. With the end coming, we would like to understand what have been keeping it going for over five decades and what are technical barriers that will eventually break it down.
Dr. Hu’s talk is split into two sections with the first half focusing on the technical overview of long term challenges in the pursuit of Moore’s law; the optional (if we have time) second part will touch base with the corporate research activities and the interactions among universities, semiconductor industry and government in USA and several other countries. This talk is a peek into what and how the researchers from semiconductor industry, academia and government are working together to keep this exponential law of growth alive.
The technical part starts with a brief review of historical events in electrical computing and moves onto to existing technical barriers. He will give both business and technical interpretations of how the semiconductor industry overcame the technical barriers historically and how they are approaching the new barriers. The technical content covers from photo lithography on Si wafers to packaging processes, with a touch on challenges in fundamental physics, material science, electrical, chemical and mechanical engineering. The main focus of the technical part will be on the electrical packaging processes. The research organization part of this talk is a useful reference to government officials and industrial leaders, as well as to professors and students.


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